How to help children develop healthy eating habits
May 30, 2023
Research shows that bad eating habits developed during infancy can lead to obesity or malnutrition, and some may continue into adulthood, increasing the risk of adult obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other health problems.
Things you should know about the flu
Mar 3, 2023
Influenza is commonly known as the flu, and is well known to the public for its high incidence and fast and wide transmission.
Why reading food labels really matters
Jan 9, 2023
Food ingredients are often overlooked by parents out of simple habit, mistakenly thinking that children can eat whatever adults eat as long as it's not expired. Understanding food composition tables, therefore, is of great importance to the physical development of babies.
What you should do when children are burned
Nov 29, 2022
What should parents do when their children are burned by boiling water, steam, hot oil or open flames?
Things you should know about tooth decay
Sep 14, 2022
Tooth decay, also known as dental caries, is a kind of progressive damage to the hard tissue of teeth caused by a combination of factors in the oral cavity. It is the most common dental disease in daily life.
What you should know about febrile seizure
Apr 6, 2022
Febrile seizure is a common pediatric emergency. Out of every 100 children, five may have a febrile seizure triggered by a fever, and about one-third of those who experience one may have second or even third convulsions, causing significant concern among parents.
What you should know about hearing care for children
Mar 10, 2022
Many parents will ask whether it is necessary to pay attention to a child's hearing if they have already been examined and there were no problems. The answer is yes.