Depression in women: How to use antidepressants properly
Mar 8, 2023
Depression is a common mental illness that brings harm and is a burden to patients, their families and society.
Things you should know about pelvic inflammatory disease
Feb 14, 2023
Pelvic inflammatory disease, also known as PID, is a group of infections that occur in the female reproductive tract.
Unspeakable pain of women – chronic pelvic pain
Oct 31, 2022
Chronic pelvic pain is a disease caused by pelvic organic and organ functional reasons. It lasts for more than six months with acyclic pain, which seriously affects the quality of life for patients.
What to do when you get an ovarian chocolate cyst during child-bearing period
Aug 31, 2022
Ovarian chocolate cysts, also called ovarian endometriomas, are formations on the ovaries due to the accumulation of old menstrual blood.
Things you need to know about thyroid nodules
Apr 19, 2022
The thyroid gland is an organ that secretes thyroid hormones. It is located in the middle of the neck and it looks like a butterfly. It is a very important organ that acts as an engine for bodily functions.
What you should know about gynecological examinations
Mar 8, 2022
Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment of illness are essential life habits. So what does a gynecological examination involve?
CQHCWC offers comprehensive menopausal health care for women
Nov 17, 2021
Menopause, a transitional period for women from childbearing to old age, can last for 15-20 years. During this period, women's ovarian function declines and estrogen secretion decreases, which may lead to chronic diseases such as senile vaginitis, urethritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer's disease.